Thinking BIG!
Banks Industrial Group provides the Thinking BIG! Blog in the spirit of sharing knowledge and advancing best practices for industrial insulation and maintenance.
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Banks Industrial Group Rallies Around the Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey If you want to see a great party, head to the Ronald McDonald House of Southern New Jersey..
What is the cost to repair steel containers?
Repair steel boxes and save them from a near-death experience Here at BIG, customers ask us to repair steel, concrete and rubber components in all sorts of conditions prior to the..
API 653 best practices for preventing bulk storage tank corrosion
Corrosion reduces reliability of bulk storage tank assets and increases total cost of ownership. The effects of corrosion can include: Tank product leaks and associated hazardous..
Vertical vs. Horizontal Insulation Panels for Bulk Storage Tanks
Large bulk storage tanks require insulation to store heated products. The asset owner can choose from the following types of insulation to meet the storage tank insulation..
Top 5 Ways to Save Money With Belzona Applications
Spending Money to Save Money Using Belzona The cost to repair plant equipment comes in many forms. Lost operations can dwarf the costs of labor and materials, depending on the..
3 reasons to schedule pipe insulation service before the first frost
Now is the time to call for pipe insulation service - before freezing weather takes its toll! The long-term weather outlook for 2017 predicts frequent snow blasts lasting into the..